The First Step in Holistic Healing: Rebuilding Trust in Yourself

Alright, let’s cut to the chase—if you’re diving into holistic healing, the first thing you need to do isn’t buying a million supplements, forcing yourself to wake up at 5 AM, or drinking green sludge that tastes like regret. The first step? Rebuilding trust in yourself. Yeah, I said RE-building, because let’s be real—you didn’t just wake up one day not trusting yourself. That sh*t was broken over time.

What Even Is Holistic Healing?

Holistic healing is all about treating you as a whole person—mind, body, emotions, environment, the whole chaotic, beautiful mess that makes you, you. It’s about understanding that everything is connected. Your gut health affects your mood. Your stress levels affect your sleep. Your relationships affect your energy. And most importantly? How you treat yourself affects EVERYTHING.

Trust: The Foundation You Didn’t Know You Needed

Trust is the backbone of any solid relationship—including the one you have with yourself. When you trust yourself, you follow through on your decisions, listen to your body, and actually believe that you’re capable of making choices that serve you.

But if you don’t? You second-guess everything, self-sabotage like it’s an Olympic sport, and keep looking for someone else to tell you what to do—because you don’t trust your own judgment. Sound familiar?

How Self-Trust Gets Wrecked

Spoiler alert: You weren’t born doubting yourself. That nonsense got planted and watered over time. Here’s how it usually happens:

  • Society’s BS Rules – “Wake up early, hustle 24/7, push through burnout.” No thanks. If those rules don’t work for your brain and body, constantly failing at them makes you feel like you’re the problem. (You’re not.)

  • Bad Advice From “Experts” – Ever followed a strict diet, rigid routine, or a “one-size-fits-all” wellness plan, only to feel worse? Yeah, that chips away at self-trust real quick.

  • Ignoring Your Own Needs – When you constantly override what your body and mind are screaming at you (like pushing through exhaustion or forcing yourself into things that drain you), you teach yourself that your instincts aren’t worth listening to.

  • Fear of “Doing It Wrong” – Perfectionism, people-pleasing, and anxiety about making the “right” choices keep you stuck in indecision, reinforcing the idea that you can’t trust yourself.

How to Rebuild That Trust (Because You CAN)

Good news: You can absolutely get your self-trust back. And no, it doesn’t require a miracle. Just some small, intentional shifts.

1. Start Keeping Promises to Yourself

If you say you’re going to drink water before coffee, do it. Not for the hydration benefits (which, duh, are great), but because following through on small commitments proves to yourself that you can be relied on.

2. Listen to Your Body—For Real

Stop gaslighting yourself. If you’re tired, rest. If certain foods make you feel like garbage, don’t eat them just because they’re “healthy.” Trust starts when you actually respond to what your body is telling you.

3. Question the BS Rules

Who says success = waking up at dawn? Who decided self-care has to look like bubble baths and yoga? Challenge the “rules” and start doing what works for you.

4. Give Yourself Permission to Suck at First

Rebuilding trust isn’t instant. You’re going to mess up, forget, or fall into old patterns. That doesn’t mean you’ve failed. It means you’re learning. Give yourself some damn grace.

5. Celebrate the Small Wins

Did you listen to your body and eat when you were actually hungry? Did you set a boundary and not backtrack? Did you go to bed when you said you would instead of doom-scrolling? That’s progress. Acknowledge it.

Final Thoughts

Holistic healing isn’t about being perfect—it’s about learning to work with yourself instead of against yourself. And that starts with trust. You are not broken. You are not lazy. You are not incapable. You just need to start listening to yourself again—and believing what you hear.

Now go drink some water, take a deep breath, and trust that you’re exactly where you need to be. ❤


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